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1 to 10 of 42 Results
Jun 3, 2024 - Systemic risk in decentralized lending
Castro Iragorri, Carlos; Saengchote, Kanis, 2023, "Replication Data for: Network Topology in Decentralized Finance",, Universidad del Rosario, V2
We map the interconnections among decentralized finance protocols using transactions among contracts and addresses in the Ethereum network. Explore multiplex network properties and quantify the financial exposure of the most critical nodes.
Adobe PDF - 151.7 KB - MD5: f777026f4aaf3449b55d57a57f64d5a7
In this supplementary appendix to "Network Topology in Decentralized Finance," we present a detailed methodology for constructing the DeFi network. First, we describe the process of using Ethereum transaction data to build the flows and balances that form the edges and weighted n...
Unknown - 11.1 MB - MD5: 8e95ae7b69a15faa54acd2637ac05be4
Information on transactions among identified addresses.
Unknown - 162.1 KB - MD5: ace2077516cc484c6a59319bfe5b0b66
Labels for the nodes in the network
Unknown - 458.9 KB - MD5: 868fe36d16ba2df311aaea77e6db3825
Balances for the nodes in the network
Systemic risk in decentralized lending(Universidad del Rosario)
Dec 7, 2023
In this project we are interested in understanding the systemic risk that arises from the fact that the technology facilitates the interoperability across the protocols, meaning that there are underlying connections and subsequent effects across different protocols. We map the in...
Dec 1, 2023 - Restaurar tejidos sociales en comunidades durante el postconflicto a través de un enfoque de intervención biopsicosocial comprehensivo: estrategias hacia a la construcción de paz en Colombia.
Ugarriza, Juan E., 2023, "Replication Data for: EEG-ERP Responses Differ between Ex-Combatants and War Victims in the Processing of Bias-Related Stimuli",, Universidad del Rosario, V1
Despite theoretical advancements linking bias, prejudice, and stereotyping to the elicitation of early and late components, supporting evidence in real-life conflict contexts is lacking. This study examines the applicability of previous models in a dyadic context based on differi...
Stata Binary - 17.0 KB - MD5: d4d7175d5a201418660637609016808b
Survey, computer-assisted IAT data, EEG recordings
Nov 21, 2023 - Emprendimiento e informalidad: Microestablecimientos comerciales
Rodriguez Lesmes, Paul Andres; Ortiz Zamora, Andrés Felipe; Gutiérrez Ramírez, Luis Hernando; Medina, Iván; Urueña, Juan Carlos, 2023, "Emprendimiento e informalidad: Microestablecimientos comerciales (Línea de Seguimiento) - Versión Pública",, Universidad del Rosario, V2
Información pública y anonimizada de la segunda encuesta sobre microestablecimientos comerciales línea base a la cuál pueden acceder los investigadores en general sin mayor restricción (luego de un tiempo de moratoria). El levantamiento de la información de la encuesta fue asigna...
Stata Syntax - 55.7 KB - MD5: 0df1e3faa44b1ef9490f67a6e917578a
Do-file con los que se realizó el informe. Si bien se refiere a otra base de datos, se puede reproducir con las dos que están en este repositorio.
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